Dec 30, 2022

Background 3

Sunset in 5 minutes

Background 2

 Dansi from my comic. Expect more content from it (like more backgrounds, and even in-world guidebooks)

Background 1

Person falling underwater


 It's here, finally.

Download it!



 Blurred because the plan is not ready to be unleashed yet.

Dec 28, 2022

Phone test

 Made this guy as to test if drawing on my phone with my finger using Sketchbook is worth it. I think it turned out alright, considering i was half asleep.

Dec 27, 2022

Lil Sticky album cover

Messed around with friends, and made an album cover for a fictional rapper called "Lil Sticky" here's the image LMAO

Bloon album cover

 Messed around with friends on discord, using bad text to image AIs to create album covers, and ended up making one that just had a balloon and the text "Bloon". I found this so funny I decided to make it into a real thing (this was before I got my drawing tablet).

Bananaman animation

 Made this in 40 minutes because it showed up in my dreams (bananaman is everywhere)

Lipsync test

I also make animations sometimes, when I actually have the determination to do it.
Here is a lipsyncing test I did a while back